367 500 ➡️ hit the button or click here to join the fivem server! discord.gg vj7xxz92ed get exclusive ad free tutorials and gta 5 lspdfr support with my eng: real los angeles postal map v2 free version join my fivem server now! discord.gg vj7xxz92ed get exclusive ad free tutorials and gta 5 lspdfr support with my in this tutorial we will go over how to use codewalker and stream in your creation. install upload oulsen satmap folder to your resources folder on your server.įivem Postal Code Map & Display Install Tutorialĭownloads: t release postal code map minimap new improved v1 2 147458 help me achieve my goal by joining my channel! ||||||||||||||| 73% ||||||||. the nearest postal script is not included at this time, but you can download that separately. If you want to use the nearest postal script t release nearest postal script, you can use the oulsen satmap postals.json which is included in the github. Gta 5 interactive map collectibles, stunts, easter eggs, online properties, action figures & more! use the progress tracker to get 100%!. To setup the postal map, open the a file and change the variable postalfile to one of the files above note: this defaults as the new postals.json file command to draw a route to a certain postal, type postal and to remove just type postal it will automatically remove the route when within 100m of the destination updates. I recommend hiding the text fields if you open it.2000×3000 1.72 mb here are some screenshots of the map: 1908×1074 544 kb 1905×1078 1.09 mb 1903×1071 757 kb changelog: 1.1 added remaining pd, fire, and hospital badges 1.1.1 added full size png version for dispatchers cad use 1.2 added minimap support, modified for server side only (no client side meta needed). I will warn you that the Photoshop file is very large, and can be extremely resource-intensive. In the Photoshop files, you will find I fixed some items (Paleto Blvd, Removed PD/FD Icons). Feel free to customize it as you like, I am comfortable with you releasing your own version with credit.

With update 1.3, you will find a new link to download the raw Photoshop files for the map, including everything I have made. 1.2 - Added minimap support, modified for server-side only (no client-side meta needed).1.1.1 - Added full size PNG version for dispatchers/CAD use.1.1 - Added remaining PD, Fire, and Hospital badges.